Capture inspiration
when it strikes

Idea Drops is an audio note-taking app that captures your inspired ideas through voice notes and uses AI to organize and connect the drops.

Uninterrupted flow

Keep the creative juices flowing freely, without the interruption of typing or handwriting.

For the talkers

Built for those of us who find it harder to put our thoughts onto paper.

Never lost in the sauce

Your ideas, every drop collected. Automatically organized into a powerful stream.

always ready

The fastest way to capture an idea

Designed for those spontaneous "shower thought" moments, quickly record without distraction so you can stay focused on your idea (and whatever else you're doing in the moment).

Every drop counts

Nothing slips through the cracks

Unlock the full potential of your ideas. Automatically transcribe, summarize, and surface the best of your spontaneous moments. Idea Drops helps you deepen your ideas, make connections, and bring something new into the world.

Just saying...

Your voice is mightier
than the pen

We understand the challenges of building a passion project alone—spending days, if not weeks, trying to find that perfect solution to the problem that's been haunting you, only for it to come when you're least prepared to action on it. When you're finally settled back into work mode, the idea has been forgotten or no longer feels exciting.Idea Drops is your creative companion, always ready to record and help you grow your next big idea. Preserving the insight, intuition, and excitement you had in the moment.Capture your notes anytime, anywhere—from the whisper of inspiration during your morning coffee to the random rush of energy right before bed. Your thoughts deserve a medium that keeps up with their pace, and with Idea Drops, you’ve found just that.Say goodbye to "What was that thing I thought of earlier?" and discover a better way to work. Join the waitlist today for first access to the beta.

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